5 Things / Olympic edition

Have you been watching the Olympics? I love them - the competition, sure, but especially the stories of resilience and courage. I always find inspiration. 

This year, the Olympics are inspiring me for different reasons. The courage I'm inspired by this go-around has nothing to do with athletes recovering from injuries or overcoming a difficult upbringing. This year, I'm inspired by the courage that comes from authenticity and vulnerability. The courage that comes from speaking out against sexism.

What does this have to do with diversity, equity, and inclusion? Well, authenticity and vulnerability are key ways to build psychological safety on your team. It can just start with one person but create a powerful ripple effect. Psychological safety is a key driver of a culture of inclusion. And as you probably know, inclusive teams are more successful in a variety of ways. 

Courage is contagious. 

So, in this Olympics edition, here are some good vibes I found this week:

Image by AP Photo/Gregory Bull


5 Things / patience with process


5 Things / just start