5 Things / patience with process

This week I found myself continually frustrated by things I couldn't control. To be honest, I'm not very patient with "process" - but of course the reality of bringing something new into the world (in this case, my book Inclusive 360), requires an awful lot of process.

The reality of bringing your diversity, equity, and inclusion initiative into the world also requires a lot of patience with process.
 There's a lot of stakeholders, competing priorities, and resource constraints. Because of that, I've come to truly admire companies that have quickly (and by quickly, I mean since last summer) taken action -- and stayed in action towards their DEI goals.

Sephora is one such company. In the past year, they've made measurable progress towards promoting more Black employees, increasing supplier diversity spend, expanding inclusive marketing, and launching inclusive leadership training. Their approach is impressive -- it's holistic, and it's Inclusive 360.

Here are some good vibes I found this week:

Image from ILR Scheinman Institute, Cornell University


5 Things / setting standards


5 Things / Olympic edition