5 Things / setting standards

My new book, Inclusive 360, is now available for pre-orders and will be released on September 21! I'm very excited


The biggest story in diversity, equity, and inclusion this past week was the U.S. Nasdaq securities exchange's new rules that require listed companies to disclose board diversity and have a diverse slate of Directors. Companies must now have at least one woman and one BIPOC or LGBTQ person.

It's a pretty low bar, to be honest. And if you read the fine print, there are some exceptions for newly-listed companies. Still, this matters, in part, because it's rare. The larger NY stock exchange doesn't yet require this. Ultimately, I believe that policy change, even with these bare minimum standards, is the way forward with DEI, because humans are just too prone to unconscious bias. 

This is how change happens and I believe we all have a part to play. It's a long road, but there's also an increasing amount of momentum and progress. There's an increasing amount of good vibes like:

Image by Element5 Digital


5 Things / if not now


5 Things / patience with process