5 Things / just start

One of the questions I get most often is where I source the 5 Things stories...here's a quick video. A common theme in stories I've read lately is "performative allyship." The topic has come up because of Pride month and the anniversary of George Floyd's murder.

Performative allyship is when there's a disconnect between what an organization (or a person) says publicly about inclusion, and what they actually do internally (including with donations). It's considered hypocrisy. An example of this is a company that turns their logo rainbow colors for Pride month but also donates to anti-LGBTQ organizations and political leaders. 

Because I'm an optimist and I know that equity is a marathon, not a sprint, my general opinion on performative allyship is "You've got to start somewhere." It's the role of people like me and companies like Equality Institute to help organizations move from performative to proactive. For many organizations, turning their logo rainbow-colored is a HUGE first step!

Just get started. Then keep going. And always have systems for accountability.

Here are some good vibes I found this week:

Image by Brandy Kennedy


5 Things / Olympic edition


5 Things in 15 Minutes / disability pride month with Patti Flynn