5 things / diversity and inclusion training

How do we make diversity and inclusion training sticky? (or any other training...)

How do we move the needle? Really move it, in a sustainable way? 

These are the questions I routinely hear from my clients, and I respond with a couple of strategies I use to create engaging and "sticky" programming. One involves using emotional triggers to inspire folks to feel the need to change. Another is changing the default structure of a system to an inclusive standard. These concepts are the core principles of the book Inclusion Nudges.

The thesis of the book is that change is sustainable when the drivers target the lower, unconscious part of our brain. But a lot of inclusion work targets the rational, intellectual part of the brain. The unconscious part of the brain always wins in a fast-paced world.

Anyway, I tell you all this because there's a new edition of the Inclusion Nudges book, which is a crowd-sourced directory of 100+ inclusion examples and activities -- and I have a nudge included on page 432. 

I can't wait to dig in and keep learning.

Other inspiring things I learned this week include:


5 things / anti-racist conversation starters


5 things / AAPI Heritage Month