5 things / anti-racist conversation starters

This week, I spent a lot of time thinking about what it means for me (a privileged cisgender, white, lesbian) to be an anti-racist ally to people of color. I've seen peers on social media wondering the same thing. Here are some really simple, apolitical places to start:

  • Reach out to each of your black and brown friends and check in with a simple text, "thinking of you amidst all this trauma. hope all is well."

  • If you're a leader, send a message to your team and co-workers and let them know that you and the organization support people of color and are committed to embracing diversity. Create space for authentic conversations.

  • Be deliberate about expanding your network and circle to include more people who are different from you.

  • When you have opportunities or content to share, amplify people of color.

  • Consume podcasts, books, articles, TV shows, etc created by people of color. I'm happy to make suggestions.

  • Talk to your kids about race so it's not a taboo topic. Here are some conversation starters.

Want bigger ideas? Watch this video

Hit respond if you want to talk through these or other principles of anti-racism, or if you want to discuss training your team on inclusion. We have awesome facilitators who can help you hold these conversations in a way that allows each of your team members to feel valued.

This week I read some inspiring things as well:


5 things / ben & jerry’s


5 things / diversity and inclusion training