5 things / Black History Month

I hope you had a really great week. Mine involved giving a couple of talks (my very favorite thing to do), and reconnecting with some friends while I traveled, so my cup is full. :-) 

I'm impressed by Target's employee-led Black History Month initiative which showcases 100+ products (that are carried all year long) that celebrate black history, legacy, and culture. Many of these products are produced by black-owned businesses. Target's campaign also tells stories not only of these businesses but of their black employees. Beautifully done.

This week I also learned:

  • Country Music Television has a new #CMTEqualPlay  commitment to playing music videos from male and female artists equally. This may seem like a no-brainer, but country music radio plays 87% male artists, so this commitment from CMT is significant. More air time = more music and ticket purchases = more money in the hands of female artists. A big win.

  • Starbucks has a new, award-winning ad in the UK that tells the story of a transgender person who goes through life being misgendered and referred to by their "dead" name. That is, until they order their coffee at Starbucks and are finally seen for their true self...


5 things / open hiring policy


5 things / Super Bowl