5 Things / reduce the friction

This week I'm going to try something new...Patti and I will recap and debrief these 5 Things in 15 minutes on LinkedIn Live this Monday at 1pm CT. Please join us to get clarity around specific DEI steps you can take -- inspired by the world's most progressive organizations. We'll bring the good vibes.

This week I learned that filmmaker Ava DuVernay (see 13th ASAP) is behind a new nonprofit diversity initiative called Array Crew. Array Crew is a database of women and BIPOC tv and film production talent. The industry is simply not very diverse (remember #OscarsSoWhite?) and this database attempts to remove the "pipeline" issue as an excuse for not having women and BIPOC people behind the scenes.

There are already 3,000 people in the database
 (which is free for credited crew to join). Array Crew is available to every major studio and streaming company, which pay to have access. This ensures they have a stake in its success.

This initiative matters because virtually any tool that can remove "friction" from increasing diversity is useful. Humans easily find many excuses NOT to increase diversity. Resources like this reduce the excuses and reduce the blame.

How can you make it easier to increase diversity by removing friction from your processes?

Here are some other good vibes I found this week: 

Image: mac6


5 Things /public policy edition


5 Things / external influence