5 Things /public policy edition

Last Monday was fun, so we're doing it again! On Monday at 2pm ET, I'll discuss these 5 Things (in 15 minutes) with our Senior Coach Dr. Laura Quiros. Please join the conversation on LinkedIn live here

I recently took myself on a work retreat to Evanston, IL. I booked a hotel and worked on my keynote and book. Little did I know that the small city was about to announce that it would pay its Black residents reparations totaling $10 million over the next decade.

Evanston, like many cities, used redlining to keep Black people from being able to receive bank loans to buy houses. Redlining prevents the generational wealth that comes from home ownership. It's a devastating example of systemic racism.

Now Evanston is using its 3% legal marijuana tax to pay its Black residents $25,000 to be used towards housing, as reparations for "lack of affordability, lack of access to living-wage careers, and a lack of sense of place," according to 5th Ward Alderman Robin Rue Simmons. 

Evanston is the first city in the country to pay its Black residents reparations
, and it's a powerful statement towards racial justice. This matters because the city admitted their role in racial inequity and is making it right. I hope many other cities follow.

Here are some other good vibes I found this week: 

Image by: Luan Oossthuizen


5 Things / off their plate


5 Things / reduce the friction