5 Things / external influence

Glassdoor.com is an employment website where anonymous employees write reviews of their own companies to help jobseekers get a better perspective on the organizational culture. This week, the site began disclosing the race and gender of the reviewers, so that a prospective employee who is Black can read company reviews from someone who's Black, for exampleCandidates can also see reviews from the LGBTQ perspective.

This new policy change means reviews from 187,000 employees can now be filtered to provide this additional lens. It matters because it's a form of external pressure on organizations to build cultures of belonging, where underrepresented talent want to enthusiastically endorse their company on Glassdoor.

I love this policy because it's a positive use of Glassdoor's influence. But, we all have influence. Every organization can find ways to put external pressure on their partners to do better on diversity, equity, and inclusion. It can create a profound ripple effect. 

Here are some other good vibes I found this week: 

Tell me: which one of these stories made you think, "wow, that's really cool!" ? 

Photo by Fauxels by Pexels


5 Things / reduce the friction


5 Things / DEI credits