5 Things / DEI credits

I'm frequently asked how to engage employees in diversity, equity, and inclusion when their job function is business development and/or billable work. These are employees who may spend a lot of time in the field and are unable to attend your antiracism workshop. Or maybe they're 100% billable and can't commit to the DEI committee.

To be honest, I haven't seen many success stories. That's why I'm so impressed to read about a new trend among law firms to provide annual billable hours credit to be used for DEI workReed Smith is the firm highlighted in the article, but it's also trending elsewhere. I'd love to see other industries follow suit. (h/t Emily Farr)

How has your organization found success addressing these challenges? 
Please respond...I'd love to hear what you've learned.

Here are some other good vibes I found this week: 

Are any of these ideas ones you can easily adapt for your own organization?

Image: Working Mother


5 Things / external influence


5 Things / BHM edition