5 Things / loot your own store


This week another Black man was shot by police, this time in Kenosha, Wisconsin, 50 miles from the headquarters of Penzey's Spices. CEO Bill Penzey has publicly supported Black Lives Matter and this week heard from a customer, "you would be singing a different tune if it was your store being looted [by the protestors]."

Bill Penzey responded, "Human life means everything; stuff, not so much." Then he announced plans to "loot" his own store in Kenosha.

Penzey's is giving that store's equivalent of spices and gift boxes to food pantries and organizations working on social justice. 

This matters because Bill Penzey walked the talk. He used his voice and influence to speak out against injustice. Pretty cool. An action a lot of us can learn from.

Here are some other things that inspired me this week:


5 Things / work the polls


5 Things / free wifi