5 Things / free wifi

This week I watched an interview with Beth Ford, who is the openly lesbian CEO of Land O'Lakes, a farmer-owned company in the Fortune 500. This week I learned that Land O'Lakes turned on guest wifi at 120+ of their locations to help those in rural communities get access to the internet (from the parking lot) for remote learning or work.

This matters because the U.S. doesn't have the infrastructure to ensure all kids can continue to effectively access the internet during the Covid pandemic, and corporations can help bridge that gap simply by turning on their wifi.

Here are some other things that inspired me this week:

Finally, if you read my essay "It's not my fault (but it's my responsibility), thank you. A lot of white people who responded to me about the essay could relate to some of my stories. A lot of other white people who responded told me they "didn't get why people were rioting" -- but now they do.

For those who are more into video than reading, I get it and I recorded it here.

Thanks for all you do to build a more inclusive world.


5 Things / loot your own store


5 Things / jobs council