5 things / hiring veterans

I was incredibly impressed by Hilton this Veteran's Day week when I learned about their hiring numbers for veterans, their spouses, and caregivers. They've hired 30,000 in the past 6 years, and have committed to hiring another 25,000 in the next 5. These are among the highest numbers in any industry.

Here are some other cool things I learned this week:

  • Disney+ acknowledged that some of its old movies have "outdated cultural traditions" (aka are racist) and added a disclaimer before films such as Peter Pan and Dumbo.

  • The Shoptalk Conference has 225 speakers at its upcoming 2020 conference -- and all of them are women. The organizers are making a point this time around (over-correcting) but committing to 50/50 gender parity in speakers in 2021 and beyond.

  • Stripe, the payments processor, sends out a on-site interview guide to candidates that describes accommodations for nursing mothers. Since interviews often take all day, nursing mothers may take short breaks and have access to a mother's room for pumping.


5 things / International Men’s Day


5 things / 4 day workweek