5 things / hiring veterans
I was incredibly impressed by Hilton this Veteran's Day week when I learned about their hiring numbers for veterans, their spouses, and caregivers. They've hired 30,000 in the past 6 years, and have committed to hiring another 25,000 in the next 5. These are among the highest numbers in any industry.
Here are some other cool things I learned this week:
Disney+ acknowledged that some of its old movies have "outdated cultural traditions" (aka are racist) and added a disclaimer before films such as Peter Pan and Dumbo.
The Shoptalk Conference has 225 speakers at its upcoming 2020 conference -- and all of them are women. The organizers are making a point this time around (over-correcting) but committing to 50/50 gender parity in speakers in 2021 and beyond.
Stripe, the payments processor, sends out a on-site interview guide to candidates that describes accommodations for nursing mothers. Since interviews often take all day, nursing mothers may take short breaks and have access to a mother's room for pumping.
And finally, just in time for Transgender Awareness Week (which ends Nov. 20), the American Psychological Association embraced the use of the singular "they" to refer to people whose gender is non-binary, and/or unknown or irrelevant. This makes the singular "they" officially good practice in scholarly writing. Need a little awareness? We wrote about that.