5 things / diversity month

This Sunday is International Transgender Day of Visibility and April is Diversity Month. With an increasing number of people feeling comfortable enough to come out as transgender or non-binary, it's important to demonstrate inclusion towards trans folks in your workplace.

Here are 5 easy and low cost things you can do to demonstrate inclusion to your transgender colleagues this month and beyond:

  • Put your pronouns in your email signatures and invite your co-workers to do the same thing.

  • During meetings where people introduce themselves, ask folks to include their pronouns in their introductions.

  • Rebrand all single stall restrooms on your premises as "all gender." You can buy signs on Amazon for $10.

  • Make like some Congresspeople and put a transgender flag outside your office or cube (or sticker, pin, etc) to show your allyship

  • Host an event at your organization like a Transgender 101 workshop or panel, or even a screening and discussion of Katie Couric's Gender Revolution.


Have you seen our transgender and non-binary eLearnings? Hot off the presses are 4 new scripted videos with actors. These 3 minute eLearnings provide short but compelling, actionable lessons that provide best practices towards your transgender and non-binary colleagues. Two of the videos are set in an HR office and two feature cisgender allies talking about their trans co-worker. Reply to this email to schedule a demo.


5 things / praise serena


Diversity Training for Front Line Employees