5 Things / Good Vibes?
I’m excited to share that 5 Things is going a little deeper this year with some small but mighty changes: 1) I’ll begin to provide a bit more context of the problem/oppression behind the positive story; and I’ll include a weekly call to action in the Call to Action & Updates section below. This may be an article to read, a video to watch, a business to support, or something else entirely.
5 Things / No Matter Why
If you’re a long-time reader of 5 Things, you may have noticed that it doesn’t matter to me why an organization decides to “do the right thing” – to embed equity and inclusion into its systems as a way to accelerate the promises of diversity.
5 Things / High Potentials
This week I facilitated a conversation with a client about my book Inclusive 360. In the conversation, I was struck by how often my conversations around DEI quickly focus on hiring for diversity. Yes, that’s important, but data tells us that at the entry-level of organizations, the percentage of men vs women, and White people vs BIPOC are fairly balanced. The gaps widen as employees are promoted. Classic unconscious bias.
5 Things / Nextdoor nudges
This week I learned that the Nextdoor app added nudges to the user experience to reduce racial profiling and online bullying. The app prompts users who appear to be reporting a crime to consider whether what they're seeing is really a crime (walking in a neighborhood isn't, for example) and to not rely on racial description in their reports. Nextdoor encourages users to provide more unique and complete details, such as clothing, tattoos, and facial hair.
5 Things in 15 Minutes / Festival of Lights with Seema Jain
Seema talks to Bernadette about Diwali, the Festival of Lights, which is highly celebrated in India and Indian communities. They also go over the latest 5 Things from last week in this educational and fun livestream.