5 things / workplace equality

Today would be a great day to send a "thinking of you" message to your LGBTQ friends, family, co-workers, clients and others. I know they would appreciate it.

Today’s a big day. Today the U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments in cases that ask the fundamental question, “what is discrimination?" This question affects every single member of the LGBTQ community, or those who are assumed to be.

See, currently in about 22 states, LGBTQ folks are not protected from discrimination in housing, employment, and public accommodations (things like wedding cakes). These states do not include sexual orientation or gender identity in their anti-discrimination policy. But they do include protection from discrimination on the basis of “sex."

The fundamental question at the core of these arguments before the court is “what is sex?" Is "sex" defined broadly enough to protect someone who is transgender? Is it broad enough to protect someone who is gay, lesbian, bisexual, or pansexual? Those are separate questions/separate cases. If the answers are yes, then federal protections from discrimination will be expanded to include LGBTQ folks.

Currently there is no federal law that protects us.

If the LGBTQ people you know seem on edge today, this could be why. Although we won’t get a decision until June, today is when the stories are told and the cases are made.

What can you do? Not much, but I suggest that you acknowledge the day. Perhaps say something like, “I heard about the arguments before the Supreme Court today, and I want you to know that we're thinking of you and we support you.”


5 things / Tyler Perry


5 things / women’s equity