Just the Way You Are: The Power of Inclusive Language

Language takes on many forms from the verbal to non-verbal and everything in between. It is in a constant state of evolution and change even though sometimes that change can be slower than the reality we live in. Just because idioms, phrases, or words are normalized does not mean they have to stay a part of our language when they have become problematic and irrelevant.

This practical workshop on language provides framework, tools, and actionable items you can use immediately to change the impact of your language not only in business settings but in your day to day. When we harness the power of our language, we become stronger allies.

The series session addresses the following themes:

1. Language that puts people first

2. Language that is gender inclusive

3. Taking the violence out of our language

4. Language in review and evolution

This presentation is suitable for everyone and works well as a lunch and learn.


True Colors: Intersectional Allyship in Action


What’s Going On: An Introduction to Antiracism