Bernadette’s Op-Ed in Crain’s Chicago
In a recent op-ed for Crain’s Chicago Business, Bernadette tackled the whiplash effect many of us in the DEI space have felt over the past five years.

5 Things / Absurdity
The heartbreaking fires in the Los Angeles area compound what feels like a quickly intense year. I’m grateful to have something fun to look forward to each week: a standup comedy class for women.

5 Things / Shining
My family has an annual New Year’s Eve night tradition with a paper lantern. Each of us writes on the lantern some things we want to release from the previous year. Then we walk out to the sidewalk, shivering as we struggle to light the lantern in the breeze, try to avoid trees, and send the lantern and its bad vibes out into the atmosphere. It feels good to have a ritual around letting go.

5 Things / “Now, More Than Ever...”
My first 5 Things this year was called Finding Joy, and I wrote about finding it at a family wedding. I wrote: There was a lot of sorrow last year. I’m hopeful there will be a lot more joy this year.

5 Things / Family
This week my partner and I celebrated our birthdays. For me that always brings the gift of reflection on the lessons learned from this year. This was the year I expanded my capacity to love and be loved. More than anything, it was a year of new and strengthened relationships. Of family, chosen and otherwise.