5 Things / “Now, More Than Ever...”

My first 5 Things this year was called Finding Joy, and I wrote about finding it at a family wedding. I wrote: There was a lot of sorrow last year. I’m hopeful there will be a lot more joy this year.

I forgot about the sorrows of last year; my memory is short when tragedies blur into tragedies. Turns out my memory is also short when I choose to live in the moment, when I choose to seek joy.

They may take away supplier diversity programs but they can’t take away our joy.

They may pull back from the Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index but they can’t take away our joy.

They may end incubator programs for underrepresented founders but they can’t take away our joy.

My joy has come on the pickleball court, yes, but I’ve found it primarily in conversations, in the times I chose to seek connection.

A couple of months ago, I made a giant mistake. HUGE. I felt like the world’s worst leader. The old Bernadette would have punished me for a long time. But this time, I chose self-compassion. I chose to forgive myself and love myself anyway because I’m a silly human who makes mistakes.

Then I chose to ask for help from my community. I truly didn’t know what to do. Not only did I receive great advice, but I was also showered with support and appreciation for my vulnerability.

Then I chose to take full responsibility, not hide, and not blame. That may have been the hardest one. But my integrity stayed intact.

Then I chose to play. I went out and played my heart out that night on the pickleball court. I even made a great new friend.

What started as a terrible day ended up being pretty OK in the end. Mostly because it was an opportunity to apply all of the lessons I learned from years of mistakes because I leaned into connection and joy.

And because I wrote a new speech about that day: “How to Survive a F*%k Up.” Respond if you’d like to learn more about it!

I’m currently taking a stand-up comedy class for women, so you can bet this theme will continue in the new year.

Lately, about half of you have been opening these emails. This is up 8% since August. Apparently, people need good vibes “now, more than ever…” So please invite your friends to subscribe!

Wishing you peace and joy these holidays and beyond. I’ll be back on January 3.

Good Vibes to Go:

If you’re into cheesy holiday films, choose somewhere the main characters look different than you. I’m really grateful to see more diversity in the cheesy movies I watch to force the holiday spirit on myself.

The next 5 Things in 15 Minutes will be on January 6. Catch up on some good vibes over on my YouTube channel or anywhere you listen to podcasts.


5 Things / Shining


5 Things / Family