5 Things / Walk this Way
5 Things Bernadette Smith 5 Things Bernadette Smith

5 Things / Walk this Way

Lately, I’ve been talking to leaders and DEI committee members who want to know how to talk about DEI in this current landscape. They just don’t have the language to comfortably talk about DEI, either internally or externally. Fortunately, we have a workshop for that…it’s called Walk this Way: Your DEI FAQ.

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5 Things / Finding Joy
5 Things Bernadette Smith 5 Things Bernadette Smith

5 Things / Finding Joy

Welcome to the New Year! I hope you’ve had a restful couple of weeks. I spent New Year’s Eve at a fun family wedding. The groom was my cousin’s son (technically my first cousin, once removed) and it was quite a young crowd. Given the homogeneity of my very white and Irish family, I was initially surprised by how diverse the wedding guests were.

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5 Things / Measuring Up
5 Things Bernadette Smith 5 Things Bernadette Smith

5 Things / Measuring Up

‘Tis the season of year-end reflections and plans for next year. Many of my conversations with leaders this fall have been about trust, specifically about rebuilding trust after major changes. I’ve spoken with wonderful people eager to improve culture and engagement after right-sizing, turnover of key staff, and/or mergers and acquisitions – all while striving for the hybrid work balance.

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