5 Things / The Festival of Lights
5 Things Bernadette Smith 5 Things Bernadette Smith

5 Things / The Festival of Lights

One of the reasons I love writing 5 Things is that it requires me to stay in a consistent growth mindset. And while I speak and write about DEI all the time, one thing I don't know a lot about is international cultural competency. Naturally, there's a big correlation between DEI and cultural competency.

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5 Things / the “full self” fallacy
5 Things Bernadette Smith 5 Things Bernadette Smith

5 Things / the “full self” fallacy

Inclusion at its core, is about creating spaces where everyone feels safe to be authentically themselves, to "bring their full selves to work." And we're told (and frankly, I tell others) that the true rewards of DEI (creativity, innovation, profit, etc) come when employees bring their full selves.

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5 Things / Spellcheck
5 Things Bernadette Smith 5 Things Bernadette Smith

5 Things / Spellcheck

When a system is redesigned so that inclusion is the default, there's less risk of human bias. (That's why Inclusive 360 is so focused on systems change.) But in order to change the systems, we have to identify the areas of opportunity. That's of the reasons I've been so impressed by Geena Davis's Institute for Gender in Media and its Spellcheck for Bias program, developed in partnership with USC. The program uses artificial intelligence to analyze film and television scripts for diversity (originally gender diversity).

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