Why & How to Share Gender Pronouns at Work
One of the ways people can be allies to transgender, non-binary, and gender nonconforming people is to proactively share their pronouns in their email signature and other places at work.

5 Things / Word of the Year
This week I learned that Dictionary.com named Allyship its Word of the Year. The term had first surfaced in the mid-1800s, but was only added to Dictionary.com last month after a spike in searches for terms like "ally" and "alliance."

5 Things / lessons
Sometimes I feel like being a leader means I’m in a near-constant state of asking myself, “OK, so what can I learn from this?”
I often look at work (and sometimes life) as an experiment. I’ve been a business owner for over 17 years now and it’s impossible to get it right all the time. And it’s certainly impossible to be all things to all people. My work, whether it’s writing, or speaking, or building and leading a team, is constantly being evaluated, tweaked, and adjusted along the way. But one thing being a business owner has taught me is to focus on progress over perfection.

5 Things / back to school edition
Most kids are officially back in school, so I'm dedicating this edition of 5 Things to some of the kids books created by wonderful folks in my network. It's never too early to start talking to kids about diversity. Note: these books are for younger kids.