5 Things / Unplugged
5 Things Bernadette Smith 5 Things Bernadette Smith

5 Things / Unplugged

This week I spent time in California whitewater rafting and hiking with an old friend. There was no cell service while we were on the overnight rafting trip, and it felt great to be completely unplugged. After I returned from the solace of nature, I learned there was a parade shooting in Highland Park, Illinois about 30 miles from my home.

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5 Things / Pride Paradox
5 Things Bernadette Smith 5 Things Bernadette Smith

5 Things / Pride Paradox

Happy Pride! I’m going to be honest here…to me, life as a gay person in America right now feels like whiplash. On one hand, we’re seeing rainbow everything and everywhere this year – from products at IKEA and Target to tweets like this from the Marines. It’s so extreme that I’ve seen posts decrying the commodification of pride. They’re not wrong. And also, I really love rainbows.

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