5 Things / Empowered
Crain’s Chicago Business asked, “Bernadette, what’s your take on the current state of DEI?” I was honored to write an OpEd in this week’s edition if you’d like to check it out.
5 Things / Lead with Values
I recently met with a new client, an architecture firm with a vision to help communities build their future. A lot of their work is in historical preservation. In our meeting, the President shared, “When we see an old building, we don’t want to make assumptions about what’s possible.”
5 Things / Unplugged
This week I spent time in California whitewater rafting and hiking with an old friend. There was no cell service while we were on the overnight rafting trip, and it felt great to be completely unplugged. After I returned from the solace of nature, I learned there was a parade shooting in Highland Park, Illinois about 30 miles from my home.
5 Things / an inclusive future
This week is Transgender Awareness Week and today is Transgender Day of Remembrance, which honors the lives lost to violence. I'm a better human for having great transgender friends and team members in my life. Not because they're trans, but because they're just wonderful people beyond that tiny detail of their identity.