5 Things / LinkedIn

Hi there -

Have you ever wondered how to pronounce the name of someone you're about to speak with for the first time? Or maybe you have a name that is often mispronounced. LinkedIn announced a new inclusion feature that allows you to record the correct pronunciation of your name. You can hear mine here (click the speaker icon next to my name) and add your own simply by editing your profile.

This matters because correctly pronouncing someone's name can help us more authentically connect with them.

Here are some other things I found uplifting this week...

  • For the first time in history, the cover photo of Vanity Fair was photographed by a Black photographer. Check out this stunning photo of Viola Davis on the cover. This matters because white voices are traditionally dominant, and white people are given more opportunities.

  • When the WNBA resumes play, players' warm-up shirts will read #SayHerName on the back and Black Lives Matter on the front. This matters because it keeps the conversation on racism alive, especially as there's still no justice for Breonna Taylor.

  • Starbucks made its internal diversity and inclusion eLearning (created with support from Arizona State University) completely free and open to all. You can access To Be Welcoming at this link. This matters because a growth mindset is critical in inclusion work.

Thanks for all you do to build a more inclusive world.


5 things / Hallmark Channel


It’s not my fault