5 Ways Companies Can Serve Customers and Employees and Save the Economy During the Coronavirus Pandemic

I’m a collector of (what I consider to be) best practices, because I think they represent what is right in the world. They represent hope in the fundamental goodness of humanity. And yes, I believe in that, too.

During this era of COVID-19 aka Coronavirus, I’ve been seeking out stories of organizations doing the right thing to support their employees and customers. Many workers may be facing reduced hours and lost opportunities when they are already financially vulnerable and possibly living paycheck to paycheck.

The Problems

Many large employers have asked their salaried employees to work remotely. Theater, sports, concerts, conferences, and other events have been cancelled or postponed. Cities and towns are closing schools. One downstream effect of all of this is that hourly shift workers, vendors, and subcontractors will see their hours (and therefore wages) cut. Significantly fewer people are visiting restaurants, stores, hotels, and traveling, and that is potentially catastrophic for any economy.

The United States Federal Government has not yet passed a law to provide economic relief.

The Solutions

If your organization has the resources, here are some best practices to be a great corporate citizen, build brand loyalty, retain employees / maximize employee satisfaction, and potentially save the economy:

  • Give in other ways. Show your employees that your organization is compassionate and generous by donating money and products to help medical workers and others directly affected by COVID-19. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is tracking corporate commitments of dollars and products.

We will get through this by seeing every challenge as an opportunity to better serve others.

It starts with accepting that the world is bigger than what’s right in front of us.


5 things / kindness


5 things / Unilever