5 things / true name
This week I shared #1ThingILearnedToday on LinkedIn or Twitter each day. Here's my weekly summary of good news, especially related to inclusion:
Mastercard will soon be offering the True Name card for the many transgender and non-binary folks whose name has not yet been legally changed.
The CEO Action for Diversity and Inclusion (led by Tim Ryan of PwC) now has 600 crowd-sourced best practices on its website from companies around the world.
The UK has banned ads that perpetuate gender stereotypes, Examples include those suggesting that men can't change diapers or all girls want to be princesses.
Joy Harjo becomes the first Native American U.S. Poet Laureate in history.
HBR has put together best practices to encourage sales teams to be more ethical. Those that are should experience greater customer loyalty, satisfaction, and referrals. (And I'd argue that some inclusion training would also increase that as well.)