5 Things / welcome Elliot

This week, Oscar-nominated actor Elliot Page came out as transgender, using the pronouns he/they. Elliot is best known for the films Juno, Inception, and the X-Men, and the current Netflix series the Umbrella Academy. I’ve been a huge fan for years.

One of the coolest things I noticed about the coverage is the journalists got Elliot's pronouns right in every article I read. Except to provide some context, Elliot wasn't "dead-named" in the articles I read. Even most of the headlines left out Elliot's former name.

I later learned that Netflix immediately tweeted their support and announced they couldn’t wait to see him in Season 3 of Umbrella Academy. They also updated all of their credits and metadata to reflect Elliot.

Elliott’s coverage is a mini case study of how to support a trans person. Yes, it’s news because Elliot is a celebrity, but there was no sensationalism, no drama, in mainstream media. In essence, Elliot’s coming out was just another news story.

If all those journalists and Netflix can get this right so quickly, then you can, too. 

Here are the good vibes I found this week: 

Finally, are you planning your 2021 DEI strategy? Reply to this email to connect about how we can help. 

Thanks for all you do to build a more inclusive world-

All the best,

Image: PsyPost


5 Things / finding the win-win


5 Things / ask meaningful questions