5 Things / transcending difference

This week, I read a post on LinkedIn that really resonated with me and perfectly expressed how I’ve been feeling after the U.S. election.

Natalie J. Hallinger, PhD, a behavioral scientist, wrote“You don't achieve deep or lasting #behaviorchange through shame and ridicule…. The way to successfully convince someone/anyone to listen, respect, care about, agree with, behave like you necessarily includes making that person feel listened to, cared about, and respected, first.”

Yet those conversations can be hard. Incredibly hard. Brene’ Brown would say that those conversations require us to “brave the wilderness.” It requires a bit of bravery to deeply connect with (and attempt to convince someone) who is different than us. (Storytelling helps.)

The rewards for these conversations are rich and can truly bring teams together. If you’re interested in holding facilitated storytelling conversations around transcending difference, please reply and I’ll tell you more about how Dr. Laura Quiros from my team can help (she’s amazing).

Here are the good vibes I found this week: 

  • Colorado voters approved paid family leave, ensuring residents can receive paid leave if they need to take care of a sick loved one or new child, or recover from an illness. Workers could receive up to 90% of their weekly pay. This matters because many people have to choose between pay and caregiving responsibilities, and this law creates greater equity.

  • The Oxford English Dictionary updated its definition of the word “woman” and "man" to be more inclusive. The previous definition for the word “woman” included “a man’s wife, girlfriend, or female lover”, implying that a woman could only be these things in relation to a man. The new definition is much more expansive. This matters because words matter, and inclusive language sets precedent for inclusive behavior.

Finally, yesterday began Transgender Awareness Week, and this coming Wednesday at 1pm ET, I'm hosting an informal fireside chat with our new Senior Consultant, Patti Flynn, a proud transgender woman. You can register here. Hope to see you there.

Thanks for all you do to build a more inclusive world-

All the best,

Image by: socialconnectedness.org


5 Things / ask meaningful questions


5 Things / firsts