5 things / must see tv

This week I watched a couple of inspiring videos from well-known brands. First I saw the NFL's National Coming Out Day video which includes a bunch of current and former players (some of whom are gay) offering a message to future players: we got your back. You will be safe to be out with us. There has never been an active, out NFL player.

I also watched Barbie get a lesson on racism from her Black friend Nikki. In the video, Nikki shares some of her own experiences with discrimination to Barbie and helps her understand her own unearned advantages. 

These videos matter. Coming out as a professional athlete is incredibly intimidating but when some of the league's most popular players speak up in support, it's probably a little easier. And Barbie, wow, well that viral three minute video illustrated racism, microaggressions, white privilege, and allyship and likely sparked important conversations.

Here are some other things that inspired me this week:


5 Things / good vibes


Best Practices in an LGBTQ 101 Workshop