5 Things / more than words

Organizations had a new opportunity to speak up this week in support of their Asian employees and customers. By now, most of you probably know about the killings at Asian spas in the Atlanta area. This community, who carries the burden of the "model minority" myth is hurting. I see this up close when I speak with one of my BFFs, a Korean-American woman. 

The bit of good news is that some powerful people with huge platforms are finally starting to speak up as allies. Trevor NoahDwyane Wadeand Jessica Chastain are just a few of the celebs who specifically called out the shootings as a hate crime, despite the media's reluctance to acknowledge them as such. Business leaders finally began to speak up, too, but I was most impressed by the concrete antiracist commitments made by Jumpstart. They made commitments. They went beyond just words.

In a world where the lines between work and life are blurry, it's critical for organizations to acknowledge these hate crimes and create brave spaces for conversations -- without burdening Asian Employee Resource Group leaders to do the emotional labor of leading these conversations themselves. My friend Michelle Silverthorn organized a list of AAPI speakers here

Here are some other good vibes I found this week: 


5 Things / the gifts of art


5 Things / off their plate