5 Things / Joy

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Summer is my favorite season. I just returned from a 2.5-week campervan road trip with my 13-year-old son.

Driving 3,000 miles on our epic adventure, with no one to share the load, forced me to be deeply present. There was no car play in our campervan. I could not safely text. There was music and a couple of books of questions. At our destinations, there were many hours of catch-up conversations with people I love. There was play in the ocean, and in pools – but no pickleball.

I’m not sure I’ve ever felt more present – and less disconnected from work, for so long. That was my revelation. Other hits of joy: the music of Chappel Roan makes me feel like I’m 21 again. And all the energy surrounding Kamala Harris and Tim Walz fills me with good vibes.

I hope you’ve been finding some joy as well.

Here Are This Week's Good Vibes:

  1. DNC Showcases Diverse-Owned Businesses at Vendor Fair

  2. Pottery Barn Expands Accessible Products

  3. IndiGo Airlines Improves Safety for Women

    • IndiGo Airlines now allows female passengers to choose seats next to other women. This feature, marked by pink icons, responds to growing concerns about women's safety while traveling in India where female-only train cars are common. Passengers of all genders have complained about male seatmates "manspreading" or, worse, inappropriate touching during flights. IndiGo operates 2,000+ flights daily and this shows a true commitment to providing a secure environment for women, offering them more control over their travel experiences.

  4. Stress Relief for NYC Transit Workers

  5. Trane Offers Up-Front Funding for Tuition

Call to Action:

Read this great article by Tom Geraghty: Psychological safety should support DEI, not replace it.


5 Things / Hang On


5 Things / Holding Space