5 Things / Hang On

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Please let me brag for a second. This morning a client sent me snippets of feedback from my keynote attendees, including this: “Wow, that went down well. I met a few people in the reception area who were just talking about her and commenting on how great she was and how they all followed her on LinkedIn.” If you want that kind of speaker for your next event, get in touch.

OK, let’s get real: I’m sick of hearing about this Robby Starbuck creep and companies pulling back from the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index and DEI more broadly. One of them, Molson Coors, here in Chicago, has hosted events I’ve attended for Equality Illinois and the LGBT Chamber of Commerce. I can only hope they still will. I know DEI ultimately isn’t going anywhere. I don’t buy it. Our country’s demographics won’t allow it. And my firm’s business is back up.

Anyway, all this to say, hang on. I’ll keep bringing the good vibes, OK

Here Are This Week's Good Vibes:

  1. Yelp Expands Accessibility Features

  2. Don’t Tell J.K. Rowling

  3. EY Sees Success with Neurodivergent Inclusion

    • In 2016, EY launched the Neuro-Diverse Center of Excellence (NCoE), employing over 500 neurodivergent workers to drive innovation in cybersecurity, finance, and more. That’s great but I love how they set these folks up for success: tools like Texthelp aids employees with speech, writing, and communication tasks; they provide training for 40 managers in neurodiversity; and give these employees access to job coaches for personalized support. The result is a 92% retention rate and nearly $1 billion in business value.

  4. Non-Binary Runners to Earn Prize Money

    • The Philadelphia Marathon will award equal prize money for men, women, and nonbinary racers. By allowing participants to compete in categories that align with their gender identity—without requiring proof—the city’s marathon is setting the ideal standard. In the NYC Marathon, non-binary winners didn’t earn a prize like the men and women—but the Philly marathon won’t exclude non-binary runners from cash prizes. This change sends a powerful message about equal opportunities for all.

  5. New Monuments Pay Tribute to Black Women

Call to Action:

Read my friend Julie Kratz’s article in Forbes: How PWC Measures the Impact of Inclusion.


5 Things / Cheerleaders


5 Things / Joy