5 Things / giving credit

This week I read that Dr. Anthony Fauci, in speaking about the Covid-19 vaccine, specifically said, "the first thing you might want to say to my African American brothers and sisters is that the vaccine that you're going to be taking was developed by an African American woman." He was deliberate to give Dr. Kizzy Corbett credit. To specifically amplify her. She earned it, and Dr. Fauci used his privilege to say her name. That's an example of anti-racism.

I also learned this week that Major League Baseball corrected history by giving the Negro League full Major League Baseball Status. Players like Willie Mays will now have their Negro League records count towards their MLB total. This is long overdue, but it's now done and the players will get credit. They will be amplified. Major League Baseball made an anti-racist policy change. 

Yes, there's still a lot of work to do. But you can do your part by continuing to look for ways to give credit and amplify those who have fewer advantages than you. That seems like an easy (and free) gift to give this holiday season. 

Here are the good vibes I found this week: 

This is my last 5 Things of 2020. Wishing you some joy and peace these next few weeks. I'll see you in the new year. 

Thanks for all you do to build a more inclusive world-

All the best,

Image by: Credit.com


5 Things / louder please


LGBTQ Cultural Competency