5 Things / disability pride

I don't personally know a lot about disability inclusion. But it's Disability Pride month, and I'm committing to learning more. I particularly enjoy learning about products that are designed to be more inclusive of people with disabilities -- I like solutions.

This week I learned that, beginning in January, Kellogg's cereal boxes will feature a technology that allows for blind and visually impaired people to have the small print on the boxes read aloud to them via a smartphone app. Kellogg's becomes the first company in the world to use this technology on packaging (it's been traditionally used in transit systems). This matters because these products will now be inclusive of millions of consumers (2 million in the UK alone, where the technology was successfully beta-tested).

When I read stories like that, I realize just yet another way I have privilege, and get fired up to use it, to pay it forward. I never, ever have to think about how I'm going to read the side of a cereal box.

Here are some other good vibes I found this week:

Image by Audi Nissen


5 Things in 15 Minutes / disability pride month with Patti Flynn


5 Things / how it's done