5 Things / A Fair Share

This week I learned about a nonprofit organization near Seattle that established a minimum base salary of $70,000. This meant that some of the 24 employees received a $20,000 raise. Many years ago, I worked for nonprofit organizations, and I can say with confidence that valuing employees in this way will go a long way towards keeping them energized, especially since many of them are BIPOC and work two jobs. 

I particularly loved this quote from Executive Director Sean Goode, who was initially very resistant to the minimum salary idea (that originated with employees): 

“We live in the richest country in the world. And we live in one of the richest places in the country. We are constantly talking about a housing crisis. Meanwhile, paying people at rates that leave them one paycheck away from being unhoused. 
We can’t continue to only address those who are living on the street today, we have to also address those that are working hard today, but are one paycheck away because they’re failing to make a living wage.”

I'm currently reading a wonderful book called Our Fair Share that provides another solution to this inequality. 

Here are the other good vibes I found this week:


5 Things / A New Look


5 Things / Embedded