5 Things / 5 Ways
Happy new year! I hope this year is a wonderful one for you, personally and professionally. As always, I’m optimistic that we’re all on the right side of history. I’ll keep sharing the good vibes with you every week and cheer you on along on this DEI journey.

5 Things / Mic Drop
This week my partner said something incredibly wise to me when we were talking about the kids’ rules. She said, “what I’ve come to realize is that it should be about equity, not equality."

Inclusive 360 Assessment
Last year I released the book Inclusive 360: Proven Solutions for an Equitable Organization and guess what, this year my team and I have built a new digital assessment tool to help organizations accelerate their DEI efforts!

5 Things / TDOV
Thursday was Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV). Do you have any transgender people in your life?
As recently as 6 years ago, I only had one transgender friend, a former client. But I gradually got to know a bunch of really brilliant, thoughtful, and kind trans and non-binary people who are doing great things in the world. And I know them (and get to work with them, and get to love them) because they were brave enough to be visible, despite the many, many reasons (like violence and unjust laws) it would seem easier to hide.

5 Things / The Awakening of the 4-Day Work Week
A coordinated and formal pilot 4-day workweek campaign has been launched in the UK. Other countries such as Ireland and New Zealand are piloting this as well. The number of U.S.-based companies adopting 4-day workweeks is also increasing.