5 things / ICE

On Monday, I learned that a company that placed an order to license our LGBTQ eLearnings has hundreds of millions of dollars in contracts with ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), and is directly involved in keeping families apart. I felt sick when I discovered this, but knew that we couldn't go into business with an organization whose values were so opposed to our own. We turned down the order. I know it was the right thing to do, but it hurt a bit. 

Have you ever been in a situation like this? I'd love to hear your story.

Here's the summary of the other best practices and good news I learned this week:


  • Conde Nast rebranded all of their multi-stall restrooms as all-gender, and still indicate which restrooms have urinals. Beyond that, they now provide pads and tampons in all restrooms (yes, even the ones with urinals) - because it's not just women who get periods. This is the optimal best practice for all gender restrooms. 


5 things / DEI


5 things / transparent hiring