Team Trivia, Diversity Edition

Looking to bring extra fun to your celebrations of diversity? How about adding a splash of team-building trivia?

Our team trivia guru, Maui Jones, will lead your organization through interactive trivia events. We have trivia ready to go for Black History Month, Women’s History Month, Diversity Month, Pride Month, AAPI Month, and more.

We recommend that attendees work in teams (breakout room style) to answer questions together and connect with colleagues from other offices (although participants can compete as individuals if you prefer). Trivia questions will be varied, global, and intersectional, so attendees will learn about history, pop culture, art, music and more in one engaging event. This is not just a boring lunch and learn — be prepared to sing along to some favorite songs with your new friends from across your organization.

Diversity Trivia is always virtual, lasts an hour, and can be customized for your group.


Growing Business Through Understanding Cultures