The ARC Method: Ask Better Questions to be an Intentional Ally

People with good intentions want to do the right thing to create a more inclusive culture, but often don’t know what to say. As a result, they don’t say anything. The impact of that silence does not align with their intention. They allow the fear of messing up or not knowing how to reframe the situation to keep them silent.

We believe that if we don’t know what to say in any given situation, the best option is to ask a question. In this highly interactive session, attendees will take a deep dive into The ARC Method®, our tool that helps anyone connect across differences and speak up as an ally. ARC is an acronym for ASK. RESPECT. CONNECT. Attendees will learn and practice two contexts of how they use the powerful ARC to be a more intentional ally.  

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn the ARC Method

  • Feel empowered to use the ARC Method to align intention with impact

  • Learn how to change the narrative using this method

  • Explain the ARC Method to a peer

This presentation is 60 minutes long, suitable for everyone, and is available as a workshop or lunch and learn.


I Will Survive: An Intersectional Exploration of LGBTQ+ History


Blurred Lines: How to Navigate the Fluid Boundaries of Gender