Research and countless examples demonstrate that when organizations demonstrate inclusion and equality, everyone benefits.

A company that cultivates a culture of inclusion is innovative, a leader in the industry, a model of progressive policies, and ultimately more profitable.

  • According to a Deloitte survey, 75% of millennials believe an organization is more innovative when it fosters a culture of diversity and inclusion, and are thus more likely to leave if the company doesn’t meet their standards of diversity.

  • McKinsey & Co found that companies leading in executive board diversity had returns that were 53% higher than others. Organizations with high rates of female executives are also more profitable, according to their 2016 analysis of more than 20,000 global firms. 

  • McKinsey also found that companies that exhibit gender and ethnic diversity are, respectively, 15% and 35% more likely to perform better than those that don't. Their research shows that organizations with more racial and gender diversity also have better sales revenue, more customers and higher profits. 

  • According to Gallup, ”companies with highly engaged workforces outperform their peers by 147% in earnings per share.”

Effective employee engagement through the lens of diversity, inclusion and equity helps organizations channel their employees' passions so that they can become champions and change agents.

A proactive approach to inclusion and equity can bring measurable financial gains. It’s not always easy, but it’s worth it. 

Let’s get proactive about inclusion.

Diversity & Inclusion Strategists & Speakers