5 Things / Rest
5 Things Bernadette Smith 5 Things Bernadette Smith

5 Things / Rest

Something’s going on this June. Attendance numbers are way down for our client’s Pride webinars. And despite doing our darndest to encourage interaction, engagement’s been low.

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5 Things / Guy
5 Things Bernadette Smith 5 Things Bernadette Smith

5 Things / Guy

This week I was interviewed about my book by Dr. Julie Pham for her Behind the Pages series. One of her questions was about an early leadership influence.

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5 Things / Praise
5 Things Bernadette Smith 5 Things Bernadette Smith

5 Things / Praise

“Don’t congratulate us on what we’re doing well…we don’t want people to see that and get complacent." That makes sense, and yet, I’ve found that it helps to have an outsider like me acknowledge and celebrate what’s working so that they can do more of it.

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