5 Things / Butt Kicked
I did it again. I was playing pickleball this week when I caught myself making an assumption about another player, someone I’d never met. Let’s just say, I was ready to kick some butt on the court, but instead got my butt kicked.

5 Things / Client-Facing
I’ve recently booked several keynotes for audiences of sales professionals. I love this particular work because these are the people who are the face of the brand, yet often miss out on inclusion programming because they’re on the road or in the field.

5 Things / No Words
I was recently asked how I can write “good vibes” when there’s so much garbage happening in the world. I’m paraphrasing, but it certainly feels that way sometimes. I replied that I look for the silver lining – which is often some kind of thoughtful corporate action or commitment.

5 Things / TDOV
Thursday was Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV). Do you have any transgender people in your life?
As recently as 6 years ago, I only had one transgender friend, a former client. But I gradually got to know a bunch of really brilliant, thoughtful, and kind trans and non-binary people who are doing great things in the world. And I know them (and get to work with them, and get to love them) because they were brave enough to be visible, despite the many, many reasons (like violence and unjust laws) it would seem easier to hide.

5 Things / an inclusive future
This week is Transgender Awareness Week and today is Transgender Day of Remembrance, which honors the lives lost to violence. I'm a better human for having great transgender friends and team members in my life. Not because they're trans, but because they're just wonderful people beyond that tiny detail of their identity.