5 Things / Ratios
5 Things Bernadette Smith 5 Things Bernadette Smith

5 Things / Ratios

Last week I wrote about how some prestigious MBA programs have achieved gender parity among female and male students. A reader responded: “Having 50% women and 50% men means nonbinary and other gender diverse people are excluded because we don't fit in these options. While it's important to recognize when women have equitable opportunities, it's also important to acknowledge that we need to change how we measure gender ratios given the increase in gender exploration and identities.”

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5 Things / Ouch Moments
5 Things Bernadette Smith 5 Things Bernadette Smith

5 Things / Ouch Moments

This week I was on a sales call with an organization looking to train its account managers. The company provides a premium, high-touch 1:1 service, and its account managers were increasingly finding themselves having "ouch" moments.

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5 Things / Unplugged
5 Things Bernadette Smith 5 Things Bernadette Smith

5 Things / Unplugged

This week I spent time in California whitewater rafting and hiking with an old friend. There was no cell service while we were on the overnight rafting trip, and it felt great to be completely unplugged. After I returned from the solace of nature, I learned there was a parade shooting in Highland Park, Illinois about 30 miles from my home.

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5 Things / Still Learning
5 Things Bernadette Smith 5 Things Bernadette Smith

5 Things / Still Learning

This week I had a bunch of planning meetings in anticipation of upcoming keynotes. About 80% of the time, the client advises: “As a heads up, our employees are generally pretty conservative.” I’ve heard this from clients in many industries: financial services, energy, manufacturing, commercial real estate, and more.

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5 Things / if not now
5 Things Bernadette Smith 5 Things Bernadette Smith

5 Things / if not now

This week was my first week giving an in-person keynote in 18 months and it felt amazing to be back on stage. My 10 year old son Patrick came to watch me speak for the first time. He put down his Nintendo Switch and gave me his full attention. He even handed me some post-it notes with thoughtful questions on them after I finished. It was a proud mom moment, and for him, a proud son moment, and definitely my favorite part of the week.

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