5 Things / Lead with Humanity
It’s been five years since COVID changed everything. The whiplash in our workplaces was unprecedented. For a minute, our walls came down. We saw our colleagues’ beautiful, complicated humanity: Zoom interruptions from kids and pets, real emotions spilling out. The possibility for more meaningful connections was right there. I bet you made some.

5 Things in 15 Minutes / Nextdoor Nudge with Patti Flynn
Please join me and Patti Flynn as we discuss Nextdoor's attempt at reducing racial profiling, ways that Olay and Run Signup is being more inclusive, and other positive vibes. Also, a big thanks to my community for helping me build the most recent 5 Things!

5 Things in 15 Minutes / Festival of Lights with Seema Jain
Seema talks to Bernadette about Diwali, the Festival of Lights, which is highly celebrated in India and Indian communities. They also go over the latest 5 Things from last week in this educational and fun livestream.

5 Things in 15 Minutes / sharing hope with Daniel Downer
Daniel Downer, Associate Facilitator of Equality Institute joins Bernadette this week as they talk about messages of hope presented by several leaders in DEI. The speakers came on as guests during Bernadette’s virtual book launch on September 21st and answered the question “What DEI trends or initiatives are inspiring you these days?”

5 Things in 15 Minutes / Ted Lasso with Patti Flynn
From Ted Lasso to Denny's, Bernadette discusses positive vibes and lessons in this week's 5 Things in 15 Minutes. She is joined by Patti Flynn, Senior Consultant of Equality Institute.