Free Tool for ERGs: LGBT Inclusion Builder

My colleague Stan Kimer from Total Engagement Consulting created a wonderful free tool for Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) and Business Resource Groups (BRGs) in conjunction with the company Kannetic. 

The LGBT Inclusion Builder is designed to help Human Resources professionals, Diversity and Inclusion professionals, ERG leaders and members assess the LGBTQ state of the company (and ERG), and provide measurable tools to improve, grow and evolve. This tool can be essentially used to create an "LGBTQ Strategic Plan."

The LGBT Inclusion Builder solution looks at 9 drivers of corporate LGBTQ inclusion & support across 4 categories:  Workplace Inclusion, Sales & Marketing Outreach, Community Involvement, and Transgender Support. After the initial self-assessment and status report, then users can create milestones and areas for growth. 


Defining Cisgender (and Why It Matters)


An Explanation of TSA's Transgender Policy