5 Things / Visibility

I’ve been thinking about something Jenny Chen said on this week’s 5 Things in 15 Minutes show. She said we need more than allies; we need warriors. “Warriors who lead with love, kindness, respect and compassion, who challenge systems, who believe we can evolve and be better for those around us.”

That’s been on my mind all week. This Sunday, Heather and I are going to a Rally for Trans Visibility. Monday is Transgender Day of Visibility, and I’m showing up as a warrior. One who stands beside my trans community with love and conviction.

Here’s what I know: it’s easier to hate people we don’t see. People whose stories we haven’t heard. Whose humanity we haven’t felt.

And when they hate us, they dehumanize us. That’s exactly what’s happening to trans folks right now.

Visibility matters because silence perpetuates violence. Visibility is about reminding the world: we’re here. We matter. We belong.

I’m here to be a friendly warrior…and not just on the pickleball court. 

How about you?

This Week’s Good Vibes:

  1. Giving the Land Back

  2. Shattering Stereotypes, Steering a Nation

  3. Scrambled Eggs & Sisterhood

  4. Delta’s Secret Sauce

  5. Driving While Understood


5 Things / Experimentation