5 Things / Not Yet

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This week I was in a series of meetings with a client, leading them through our Inclusive 360 assessment process. Our assessment is extremely granular, breaking down DEI into a series of small tactics, across all functions. As part of the process, we put employees in small group meetings and go through the assessment questions.

One leader repeatedly used the phrase “not yet” when answering my questions – not yet because we’re at the beginning of this process. Not yet because they’re learning, still understanding the current state of affairs. Not yet – but they’re excited about it. They’re ready to do better as soon as they know better. It’s coming from leadership. Not yet, but the tactics are bite-sized. They’re doable. They’re cumulatively impactful but many are small enough to generate momentum through quick wins.

So while we may start with “not yet”, I believe in the power of forward momentum, the kind that can come from a cross-functional approach. Celebrate the quick wins and keep going.

This Week's Good Vibes:

  1. Disneyland Rebuilds Mickey’s Toontown From The Ground Up For Kids Of All Abilities

    • Toontown at Disneyland has been redeveloped to meet the needs of kids with differing needs. The redesigned spaces are designed to include kids with physical, developmental, behavioral, emotional and sensory disorders and disabilities. This means the space has no curbs, activities at lower heights for people in wheelchairs, dedicated wheelchair pathways, a play yard with calming, natural sound effects, and a whole lot more. The gift shop now sells adaptive Minnie ears headbands with a chin strap for visitors who wear a cochlear implant for hearing. I love this. Around 20-25% of Americans have some form of disability, and these redesigns are wonderful so all kids can play.

  2. Thousands of Catholic Nuns Unite to ‘Wholeheartedly’ Declare Trans People Are Beloved by God

  3. Companies That Get ‘Woke’ Aren’t Going Broke — They’re More Profitable Than Ever

    • The companies that have been canceled for going “woke” are super profitable. They’re not, in fact, going broke, as the right-wing rallying cry suggests. That’s according to this article in Rolling Stone. Last week I wrote about the backlash to Bud Light’s new campaign with a trans influencer, but the article examines Keurig, Kellog’s, United Airlines, Nike, and others. The bottom line here is that companies will be rewarded by their customers if they speak out for diversity, equity, and inclusion.

  4. Beau Jo’s Is Selling His Famous Colorado Pizza Shop — To His Employees

  5. BBC Education Show in Afghanistan Helps Children Banned From School

Call to action:

Planning an event or meeting in a state with anti-diversity laws or bills? Your attendees can now offset the cost of their spending in that state by supporting charities that align with their values. This is super cool! Learn more at: https://socialoffset.org/

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5 Things / Micro Inclusion


5 Things / Checking The Box