5 Things / Meaningful Moments

Many people I know are stressed or grieving. It can be tough to find good vibes when it seems the world is falling apart. This weekend, a long weekend here in the U.S., I hope you prioritize things that bring you joy and peace.

I gave a keynote on Friday on the theme of “meaningful moments of connection” with others. But the truth is we also need meaningful moments of connection with ourselves. With our full selves.

This weekend, I hope you can find a few meaningful moments to fully BE. To fully love yourself, breathe into and be present with the things and people that bring you love. The spaces where you feel the most authentic.

I need a break(so there will be no good vibes below). And I think a lot of you do, too. Take care of yourselves. I’ll be playing some pickleball. More good vibes next week. 🏓


5 Things / Cringe


5 Things / Karen